Corso Overlay


ITALSKÁ 67 and 69, PRAGUE 2


  • Exceptional design
  • Excellent location in the city centre
  • Perfect transport accessibility
  • Great emphasis on economy and sustainability

An Office and Retail
Complex in the Centre
of Prague


  • Sprinkler fire-extinguishing system
  • Cooling beams integrated in the dropped ceilings and on the ceilings
  • Convector heating and Fancoil
  • Use of rainwater for flushing and watering
  • General main key system
  • Card access system
  • 24/7 security of the building
  • Modern measurement and regulation system
  • Backup diesel sources
  • Office clearance 3m
  • Technical ceilings or dropped ceilings with built-in LED lighting
  • Double floors with floor boxes
  • Optical connection from several providers
  • 403 parking spaces including spaces for visitors
  • Bike storage room and facilities for cyclists, including towel service
  • Up to 1,400 m² of storerooms


On a total area of 33,000 m2, you will find plenty of space for your business. Our retail and office premises are situated in the very heart of Prague and are perfectly accessible by car and public transport.


  • 5 minutes from the C metro line station Hlavní nádraží
  • 5 minutes from the tram stop
  • 1 minute from the bus stop

You have everything within reach

The Churchill Square I & II buildings are located at the intersection of Seifertova and Italská streets, in close vicinity of the Prague University of Economics and Business, providing a view of charming Winston Churchill Square.

The location is extraordinary thanks to its transport accessibility – whether by public transport, commuter train transport, by bicycle via the Žižkov cycle path, or also by car. And what’s more, thanks to the newly created pedestrian underpass, you have the Main Railway Station and the Metro truly within reach.

But the list of advantages does not end here. In close vicinity, there is a public shopping passage providing comprehensive services, outdoor relaxation zones with a water feature, and Rieger Gardens, the green heart of Prague found a mere 10-minute walk away.

CW Overlay
Turnovská pivnice
The Miners


Sustainability as a way to savings

  • Use of rainwater for flushing and watering
  • Modern beehives situated on the roof of the building
  • A unique insect hotel

The building complex boasts the LEED Gold certificate. This is an internationally recognized standard in the field of design and construction of environmentally friendly and sustainable buildings. Thanks to this certificate and energy efficiency certificates in the B category, the Churchill Square I & II buildings belong among the most economical office buildings in Prague.

You can also see our sustainable approach in the offer of the so-called green lease, which can be concluded beyond the framework of standard lease agreements.

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ČMN completes Churchill acquisition
Českomoravská nemovitostní (ČMN) has completed its acquisition of Churchill Square office complex above Prague’s main train station. To do so, it bought out the remaining 50% share from its Lebanese partner CFH. The two bought the building together from Penta Real Estate at the end of 2020. It’s the latest in a long string of deals where local investors have used the lack of foreign investors in the market to snap up key real estate assets.

the deal consisted of a cash payment of 19 million euros, with ČMN assuming €24 million in debt, or 25 percent of the loan that the partners took out to make the initial purchase possible. The transaction is based on a €170 million valuation of the property. Equates to CZK 4.3 billion at current exchange rates, whereas the building was bought off a valuation of CZK 4 billion. “We are financing the acquisition through a combination of our own cash, corporate bonds, and bank loans,” ČMN’s Vice Chairman Josef Eim.

ČMN and Lebanese CFH originally shared the property equally, but ČMN bought out one-quarter of the asset a year ago. With the takeover completed, Eim says Churchill “is a strategic and long-term investment for us. We don’t have any exit plans in the short or medium term.”
Fruit for you
Vitamins and vitamins again. That's probably the most common recipe for avoiding the flu.That's why we sent boxes of vitamins to your offices.To give your immunity a little boost.

We hope you enjoyed the fruit. And maybe thanks to our small donation, this year's cold and flu season won't even start for you.

Grill party vol II
On September 9th, in collaboration with the Turnovská pivnice, we organized the second Grill Party vol. 2, featuring a concert by the JAMM Band.

Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate, so we had to move everything indoors to the Turnovská pivnice. Despite that, the atmosphere was still fantastic – the smell of grilled delicacies filled the space, and we served perfectly chilled beer from the Turnovská Pivnice and the grilled specialties. The first 250 drinks were on us again to further boost the lively mood.

Corso Overlay


Building Security (24/7): +420 734 238 547
Main Building Reception (Mon-Fri 8-17): +420 734 794 201
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Company ID No.: 05142202 | VAT ID No.: CZ699006350
The company is registered in the Company Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, Insert 24261.